Programming Languages - Administration

236319 Spring 2024, Prof. Lorenz

Programming Languages - Administration

Course Goals

  • Understanding fundamental concepts that underlie programming languages.
  • Getting familiar and comfortable with various programming paradigms.
  • In practice - you will be able to understand and learn new languages better.


Lecturer - Prof. David Lorenz


Andrey Babin - Group 11

Adi Harif - Group 12

Contacting the staff

You should only contact the course staff (mostly TA in charge) regarding individual administrative issues.

For any other manner we expect students to use our class forum.

Lectures and Tutorials

Lectures will be given in a frontal only format and will not be recorded.

All tutorials will be given in a hybrid format and will be recorded.


All matirials, recordings, anouncments etc… will be posted on webcourse


All class matirial and homework related questions should be posted on our piazza forum.

We will not be able to answer these kinds of questions by mail.


Throughout the semester you will be given 6 homework assignments, covering various topics we study in class.

All homework assignments are mandatory and will be submitted in pairs only


We will hold workshops (similar to office hours) on weekly basis.

The purpose of these workshops is providing any assistance you will need regarding the homework assignments.

We hope you will enjoy our class and wish you best of luck in the upcoming semester!

- PL Staff