
236319 Spring 2024, Prof. Lorenz


control predicates

control predicates are predicates that control the flow of the program.

Prolog does not have if, for or break statements, for example, but we can control the flow of the program between predicates by using control predicates.

basic examples


the predicate fail/0 will always fail (like 1 = 0):

?- X = 1, fail.

compare with

?- X = 1.

similarly, the predicate true/0 will always succeed (like 1 = 1):

?- X = 1 ; true.

NOTE: expected results - false., X = 1., X = 1 ; true..

the predicate repeat/0 will always succeed, and will repeat the body of the predicate until it fails:

?- repeat, X = 1.

NOTE: expected result - X = 1; X = 1; X = 1; ....


cuts are control predicates that also serve to solve another problem that we face in logic programming: automatic backtracking may cause inefficiency.

consider the following clause set for f/2:

:- use_module(library(clpfd)).

f(X, 0) :- X #< 3.
f(X, 2) :- 3 #=< X, X #< 6.
f(X, 4) :- 6 #=< X. 

and the goal

?- f(1, Y), 2 #< Y.

we notice the goal fails: the only option for 2 #< Y is Y = 4 but that requires X #>= 6 to succeed. therefore, this goal fails.

these rules are disjoint - at most one of them will succeed. if a goal matches one of the rules and fails, there’s no use in trying the rest of the rules.

how can we prevent this?

cuts prevent backtracking from some point on.

cuts are denoted by the subgoal ! which will always succeed, but will then prevent further backtracking the last example can be rewritten like this:

f(X, 0) :- X #< 3, !.
f(X, 2) :- 3 #=< X, X #< 6, !.
f(X, 4) :- 6 #=< X. 

whenever the goal f(X, Y) is encountered, we will only test the first rule that matches. if we perform the query again, we will get the same result, but only the first rule will be attempted.

we did not change the declarative meaning of the code - it still performs the same function. we have changed its imperative meaning - it now performs its search differently.

we used cuts to make the code more efficient. can we go further?

if we got to the second rule in our example, surely it isn’t the case that X #< 3, otherwise, we would have reached the cut and stopped backtracking.

we can really just remove the extra checks.

f(X, 0) :- X #< 3, !.
f(X, 2) :- X #< 6, !.
f(X, 4). 
  • now, the cuts do affect the declarative meaning - removing the cuts will result in a different result
  • we also notice that in this situation, the order of the clauses does matter for the result (and not just for efficiency)
  • this motivates us to discuss green and red cuts

green cuts - cuts that when removed, lead to the same declarative result. they do not have an effect on the declarative meaning.

when reading a program, we can ignore green cuts.

red cuts - cuts that do effect the declarative meaning of the program. these cuts make programs difficult to understand and should be used with care.

when the cut is encountered, it does succeed immediately, but it commits the algorithm to every choice it has made up until reaching the cut.

H :- A1, A2, .... Am, !, B1, B2, ..., Bn.

when Prolog encounters the cut, the solution to A1, ..., Am is frozen and all other possible solutions are discarded.

in addition, the parent goal H cannot be matched to any other rule.

we consider the following program:

C :- P, Q, R, !, S, T, U.
C :- V.
A :- B, C, D.

and the goal A.

  • backtracking is possible within P, Q, R
  • when the cut is reached, the current solution for P, Q, R is chosen and all other solutions are dumped
  • the alternative clause C :- V is also dumped
  • backtracking is still possible in S, T, U, and also in B, C, D

examples with cuts

adding to a list without duplicates:

add(X, L, L) :- member(X, L), !.
add(X, L, [X|L]) :- !.

“Mary likes all animals but snakes”

likes(mary, X) :- snake(X), !, fail.
likes(mary, X) :- animal(X).

this last example is an example of a common idiom in Prolog - negation. the cut prevents backtracking, and then we cause the goal to fail.


we define the not/1 predicate:

not(P) :- P, !, fail.

the not/1 predicate acts the same way as \+ that we saw earlier - it is not negation but rather unprovability.

this allows us to define predicates like different/2 which succeeds only if two terms do not match to each other:

different(X, Y) :- not(X = Y).
p(X) :- not(r(X)).

can you tell what q(X), p(X). will print? what about p(X), q(X).?

?- q(X), p(X).
?- p(X), q(X).

NOTE: X = b., false.

we can use cuts to specify mutually exclusive rules: if cond then conclusion 1, otherwise conclusion 2.

if there are no cuts in a program, we can change the order of the clauses and goals without changing the declarative meaning. we know this is not the case for programs that do have cuts.


is this a green cut or a red cut?

min(X, Y, X) :- X #=< Y, !.
min(X, Y, Y).

NOTE: red


define the predicate maybe_once/1 that accepts a predicate and succeeds at most once.

for example, for the dataset:


and for the goal maybe_once(ta(X)), we would expect to get X = yair.

?- maybe_once(ta(X)).
maybe_once(X) :- X, !.


The ->/2 predicate is used to commit to choices made at its left-hand side, similarly to cuts like we saw, but unlike cuts, it does not discard all other clauses.

we saw this example in the previous section:

likes(mary, X) :- snake(X), !, fail.
likes(mary, X) :- animal(X).

it has semantics “Mary likes all animals, except for snakes (even if snakes are animals)”

what will happen now?

likes(mary, X) :- snake(X) -> fail.
likes(mary, X) :- animal(X).

NOTE: Mary likes all animals and she doesn’t like snakes, unless snakes are animals

for the datasets animal(a), snake(a), animal(b), snake(c), we get:

  • the first program will have likes(mary, b) but not likes(mary, a) or likes(mary, c).
  • the second program will have likes(mary, a), likes(mary, b) but not likes(mary, c).

this is because ->/2 does not discard the second clause.

it is possible to define an “else” branch, for example:

grade(X, Y) :- X >= 100 -> Y = 100 ; Y = X.
?- grade(101, Y).
?- grade(99, Y).


redefine the predicate maybe_once/1 from earlier using ->/2.

maybe_once(P) :- P -> true.