
236319 Spring 2024, Prof. Lorenz


exam questions

question 1

question 1.1

write rules for the predicate interleave/2 such that interleave(L, R) is true if L is a list of lists and R is the lists in L interleaved.

  • you may assume that L is a concrete list of lists
  • example: interleave([[p,l],[r,o],[o,g]], [p,r,o,l,o,g])
interleave([], []).
interleave([[]|X], R) :- interleave(X, R).
interleave([[X|Xs]|Ys], [X|R]) :-
    append(Ys, [Xs], Z),
    interleave(Z, R).

question 1.2

the predicates cond1/1 and cond2/1 take a concrete integer. implement filter/2 such that filter(Xs, Ys) is true if Xs is a list of integers and Ys is a list of all integers from Xs for which cond1 is true and cond2 is false.

  • you may assume Xs is a concrete list of integers
filter([], []).
filter([X|Xs], [X|R]) :-
    cond1(X), \+ cond2(X), filter(Xs, R), !.
filter([X|Xs], R) :- filter(Xs, R).

question 2

question 2.1

implement dec_bin/2 such that dec_bin(D, B) is true if B is the binary representation of D. (D is concrete)


?- dec_bin(12, K).
% K = '1100'.

(you may use atom_concat/3 - atom_concat(A, B, R) holds if A, B and R are atoms and R = concat(A, B))

dec_bin(0, '0') :- !.
dec_bin(1, '1') :- !.
dec_bin(N, B) :-
    X is N mod 2, Y is N // 2,
    dec_bin(Y, H),
    atom_concat(H, X, B)

question 2.2

implement bin_dec/2.


?- bin_dec('1100', K).
% K = 12.
bin_dec('0', 0) :- !.
bin_dec('1', 1) :- !.
bin_dec(B, N) :- atom_concat(A, '1', B), !, bin_dec(A, N1), N is 2 * N1 + 1.
bin_dec(B, N) :- atom_concat(A, '0', B), !, bin_dec(A, N1), N is 2 * N1.

question 3

implement mergeSort/2.

?- mergeSort([56, 29, 35, 42, 15, 41, 75, 21], R).
% R = [15, 21, 29, 35, 41, 42, 56, 75].

let’s implement merge/3 first:

merge(L, [], L).
merge([], L, L).
merge([X|Xs], [Y|Ys], [X|R]) :- X =< Y, merge(Xs, [Y|Ys], R), !.
merge(Xs, Ys, R) :- merge(Ys, Xs, R).
mergeSort([], []) :- !.
mergeSort([A], [A]) :- !.
mergeSort(L, R) :-
    length(L, N),
    NL is N // 2, NR is N - NL,
    length(LL, NL), length(LR, NR),
    append(LL, LR, L),
    mergeSort(LL, LLS),
    mergeSort(LR, LRS),
    merge(LLS, LRS, R).

question 4

the predicate edge/3 defines a weighted graph.

edge(X,Y,N) is true if there’s an edge from X to Y with weight N.

define path/4. path(X,Y,P,N) is true if P is a path from X to Y with weight N.

edge(a, b, 2).
?- path(a, b, P, N).
% P = [a, b], N = 2.
path(X, X, [X], 0).
path(X, Y, [X|P], N) :-
    edge(X, Z, N1),
    path(Z, Y, P, N2),
    N is N1 + N2.

define cycle/1. cycle(X) is true if there’s a cycle that goes through X.

cycle(X) :- path(X, X, P, _), length(P, N), N > 1.
% or
cycle(X) :- edge(Y, X), path(X, Y, _, _).

question 5

how can a knight jump on an NxN chessboard in such a way that it visits every square exactly once?

jump_dist(1, 2).
jump_dist(2, 1).
jump_dist(2, -1).
jump_dist(1, -2).
jump_dist(-1, -2).
jump_dist(-2, -1).
jump_dist(-2, 1).
jump_dist(-1, 2).

define jump(N, A/B, C/D) such that there’s a jump from A/B to C/D on an NxN board

  • A/B are concrete
jump(N, A/B, C/D) :- 
   jump_dist(X, Y), 
   C is A + X, C > 0, C =< N,
   D is B + Y, D > 0, D =< N.

define knights(N,Ks) such that Ks is a valid knight’s tour on an NxN chessboard

?- knights(5, Ks) {1}.
% Ks = [1/5, 3/4, 5/5, 4/3, 5/1, 3/2, 1/3, 2/5, 4/4, 5/2, 3/1, 1/2,
% 2/4, 4/5, 5/3, 4/1, 2/2, 1/4, 3/3, 2/1, 4/2, 5/4, 3/5, 2/3, 1/1].

?- knights(4, Ks).
% false.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
knights(N, Knights) :-
    X in 1..N, Y in 1..N, label([X, Y]), M is N * N - 1, knights(N, M, [X/Y], Knights).
knights(_, 0, Knights, Knights).
knights(N, M, Visited, Knights) :-
   Visited = [X/Y|_],
   jump(N, X/Y, U/V),
   \+ member(U/V, Visited),
   M1 is M - 1,
   knights(N, M1, [U/V|Visited], Knights).