
236319 Spring 2024, Prof. Lorenz



What is Prolog?

  • Prolog - Programming in Logic.
  • A compiled, Untyped, declarative language.
  • Originally developed for AI applications.
  • First released in the 1970s.

Logic/Declarative Programming

Common use cases include:

  • Database queries.
  • Rule-based systems.
  • Automated Reasoning.

In general - any problem that can be easily expressed in terms of logic or a set of constraints.


  • Concise and readable code.
  • Easy to express complex problems.
  • Modular and Extensible.


  • Not suitable for all problems.
  • Usually not as performant as other languages.

Using Prolog

A Prolog program consists of a set of facts and rules. Given a program, we can make queries about these rules using a REPL.

In this class we will use Swi-Prolog.

Typical Workflows

Usually we will use Prolog in one of two ways:

  1. Open the REPL over a program and make queries.
  2. Dynamically add facts and rules (or even load programs) using the REPL.


Terms are the basic building blocks of Prolog programs.

Analogous to expressions in other languages.

terms - atoms

the simplest term is an atom, the following are atoms:

'an atom'

String atoms

  • A string of letters, digits, and an underscore starting with a lower-case letter: anna x_25 nil
  • A string of special characters (+ - * / < > = : . & _ ~): $<@ <----> .:.
  • A string of characters enclosed in single quotes: 'Tom' '2A$'

Numeric atoms

  • Integers: 123 -42
  • Real numbers: 3.14 -0.573 2.4e3


A variable is a string of letters, digits and an underscore starting with an upper-case letter or an underscore


compound terms

A compound term comprises a functor and arguments.

course(236319, pl)

A functor f of arity n is denoted f/n.

A fact is a term that we define to be true in our program.

eats(bunny, carrot).

This fact states that the predicate eats holds for the atoms bunny and carrot terms.

Facts can have any arity:

plus(2, 3, 5).

A finite set of facts constitutes a program:

eats(bear, honey).
eats(bear, salmon).
eats(rat, salmon).
eats(salmon, warm).

Facts can contain variables:

likes(X, course236319).

Variables are universally quantified, so this fact is equivalent to:

\[\forall X: likes(X, course236319)\]


A query is a conjunction of goals:

?- eats(X, salmon), eats(X, honey).

Variables are existentially quantified, so this query is equivalent to:

\[\exists X,eats(X, salmon) \land eats(X, honey)\]


A rule is a statement which enables us to define new relationships in terms of existing ones:

predicate(term1, ..., termN) :- goal1, ..., goalN.

Y is a survival dependency of X if:

  • X eats Y
  • or X eats Z and Y is a survival dependency of Z
survival_dependency(X, Y) :- eats(X, Y).
survival_dependency(X, Y) :-
    eats(X, Z), survival_dependency(Z, Y).
?- survival_dependency(bear, X).

dynamically loading programs

Given a program in a file we can load it into the REPL using consult/1:

?- consult('').
/* or */
?- consult(prog).

Also possible using brackets:

?- [prog].


Two terms match if:

  • They are identical.
  • The variables in both terms can be instantiated to make the terms identical.

The = operator performs matching

?- course(N, S, 95) = course(X, fall, G).
?- course(N, S, 95) = course(Y, M, 96).

?- course(X) = semester(Y).

matching rules

Terms S and T match if:

  • S and T are the same atom.
  • S and T are the same number.
  • If one is a variable which is instantiated to the other.
  • If S and T are compound terms, they match iff:
    • They have the same functor and arity.
    • All their corresponding arguments match.
    • The variable instantiations are compatible.

geometric example

Use compound terms to represent geometric shapes.

point(1, 1)
seg( point(1, 1), point(2, 3) )
triangle( point(4, 2), point(6, 4), point(7, 1) )

geometric example

?- triangle(point(1, 1), A, point(2, 3))
triangle(X, point(4, Y), point(2, Z)).

matching as means of computation


    point(X, Y1),
    point(X, Y2)


?- vertical(seg(point(1, 1), point(1, 2))).

?- vertical(seg(point(1, 1), point(2, Y))).

?- vertical(seg(point(2,3), P)).

arithmetic operations

  • The operators + - * / div mod are (infix) binary relations.
  • But they are considered arithmetic operators after the operator is.
?- X = 1 + 2.

?- X is 1 + 2.

comparison operators

X > Y
X < Y
X >= Y
X =< Y
X =:= Y  % equal
X =\= Y  % not equal

The comparison operators also force evaluation:

?- 11 * 6 = 66.

?- 11 * 6 =:= 66.

= VS. =:=

  • = is used for matching and may instantiate variables.
  • =:= causes an arithmetic evaluation of its operands and cannot instantiate variables.
?- 1 + X = Y + 2.

?- 1 + X =:= Y + 2.

Example - GCD

gcd(X, X, X).
gcd(X, Y, D) :-
    X < Y,
    Y1 is Y - X,
    gcd(X, Y1, D).
gcd(X, Y, D) :-
    Y < X,
    gcd(Y, X, D).
?- gcd(12, 30, D).

builtin control predicates

conjunction ,/2

The goal (G1, G2) succeeds if G1 and G2 succeed.

disjunction ;/2

The goal (G1 ; G2) succeeds if G1 or G2 succeed.

Defined as follows:

(G1 ; G2) :- G1.
(G1 ; G2) :- G2.


The predicate true/0 always succeeds.


The predicates false/0 and fail/0 always fail.

negation as failure

  • The negation predicate is \+/1.
  • It is not logical negation!
  • For known predicates, prolog works under a closed world assumption - if something can’t be proved then it is false.
?- person(rick).
?- \+ person(rick).

It might not work like you’d expect

?- person(X).
?- \+ person(X).

Why doesn’t prolog answer with X = rick or simply with true?

person(X) succeeds so its negation fails

  • if G fails \+ G succeeds
  • if G succeeds \+ G fails

\+/1 allows for non-monotonic reasoning - a fact can become false by adding clauses to the database:

legal(X) :- \+ illegal(X).
?- legal(theft).

exercise - family tree

Given a database with the following predicate:

parent(X, Y).  % X is Y's parent
% examples:
parent(adam, cain).
parent(eve, cain).
parent(cain, enoch).

Define a predicate grandparent(X) that holds when X is a grandparent.

?- grandparent(X).
grandparent(X) :- parent(X, Y), parent(Y, _).

Define a predicate nuclear(X, Y) that holds when X and Y are in the same nuclear family.

A nuclear family (in our example) consists of 2 parents and their common children.

?- nuclear(adam, X).
nuclear(X, Y) :-  % siblings
    parent(P1, X), parent(P2, X),
    parent(P1, Y), parent(P2, Y),
    \+(P1 = P2).  % alternatively: `P1 \= P2`

nuclear(X, Y) :-
    parent(X, C), parent(Y, C).

nuclear(X, Y) :-
    (parent(X, Y); parent(Y, X)).

exercise - binary trees

We represent binary trees as terms:

  • nil is the empty tree.
  • node(N, Tl, Tr) is a tree node where N is some number and Tl and Tr are binary trees.

Define a predicate tree_size(T, S) such that T is a binary tree and S is its size

?- tree_size(node(1,
		node(4, nil, nil),
tree_size(nil, 0).
tree_size(node(_, Tl, Tr), S) :-
    tree_size(Tl, Sl),
    tree_size(Tr, Sr),
    S is Sl + Sr + 1.

Define a predicate tree_max(T, M) such that T is a binary tree and M is the max of the values of T’s nodes.

You may use the arithmetic function max/2

?- tree_max(node(10,
        node(4, nil, nil),
tree_max(node(N, nil, nil), N).
tree_max(node(N, nil, Tr), M) :-
    tree_max(Tr, Mr), M is max(N, Mr).
tree_max(node(N, Tl, nil), M) :-
    tree_max(Tl, Ml), M is max(N, Ml).
tree_max(node(N, Tl, Tr), M) :-
    tree_max(Tl, Ml),
    tree_max(Tr, Mr),
    M is max(N, max(Ml, Mr)).

A perfect binary tree is a binary tree in which all interior nodes have two children and all leaves have the same depth. Also, the value of each interior node is equal to its depth.

Define a predicate perfect_tree(T, H) such that T is a perfect binary tree and H is its height.

?- perfect_tree(T, 2).
perfect_tree(nil, 0).
perfect_tree(node(H, Tl, Tl), H) :-
    H > 0,
    H1 is H - 1,
    perfect_tree(Tl, H1).