Standard ML

236319 Spring 2024, Prof. Lorenz

Standard ML



datatype is a mechanism for defining new types

  • Implements the theoretical type constructor of disjoint union
  • Generalizes:
    • The NULL pointer of C, Pascal, Java
    • Enumerated types, as found in Pascal, C, and Java
    • Union types, as found in Pascal and C
    • Branding, as done by Pascal’s TYPE, but difficult to achieve in Java and C
  • Is essential: cannot do lists, trees, etc., without it

Not to be confused with type, which is a mechanism for giving new names to existing types


datatype is an SML type constructor:

  • given: a list of types and list of tags
  • produce: a new type out of these

Concrete Datatypes

Types created using datatype are concrete - these can be constructed and taken apart

ML’s datatypes have two kinds of values: atomic and composite

Enumeration Types

datatype single = only;


only denotes the only value of type single (isomorphic to unit)

Enumeration Types

order doesn’t matter

datatype bool' = true' | false';

Enumeration Types

Datatypes allow pattern matching:

datatype piece = king | queen | rook | bishop | knight | pawn;

fun value king = Real.posInf (*infinity*)
  | value queen = 9.0
  | value rook = 5.0
  | value (bishop | knight) = 3.0
  | value pawn = 1.0;

value bishop;

Type Branding

If we use builtin types only, we may insert unwanted errors easily:

fun a m f = f / m;

val (body_mass, engine_force) = (0.0122, 50.0);

a engine_force body_mass; (* oops *)

Type Branding

Type aliasing doesn’t help

type mass = real and force = real and acceleration = real;

fun a (m:mass) (f:force) : acceleration = f / m;

a engine_force body_mass; (* still oops *)

Type Branding

Simulate branding using datatype:

datatype mass = Kg of real;
datatype force = Newton of real;
datatype acceleration = m_s'2 of real;

fun a (Kg m) (Newton f) = m_s'2 (f / m);

val body = Kg 2.0;
val engine = Newton 50.0;

a body engine; (*OK*)

a engine body; (*Error*)

Constructors (of SML)

In SML constructors are functions:

datatype mass = Kg of real;
datatype force = Newton of real;
datatype acceleration = m_s'2 of real;



Variant Types in Pascal


type kind = (point, line, circle, rectangle)
shape = record 
 case k: kind of
  point: (* No fields in this case *) 
  line: length:real; 
  circle: radius:real;
  Rectangle:  width, length: real; end

usage (similar case structure)

function area(s: shape) : real;
  case s of
    point,Line: area:=0
    cirle: area := 3.14 * radius * radius;
    rectnagle: area := width * length;

Type safety? none.

  • Same memory block is allocated to either (nothing) / (length) / (radius) / (width + height)
  • Its the rogrammer’s responsibility to make sure that only the correct fields are accessed

redoing variant records with datatype

datatype shape =
  | Line of real
  | Circle of real
  | Rectangle of real * real;


  • use Cartesian product instead of record
  • fewer keywords
  • no semicolons
  • minimal baggage

Pattern Matching

In SML we also get type safety and pattern matching out of the box:

fun area (point | Line _) = 0.0
  | area (Circle r) = Math.pi * r * r
  | area (Rectangle (w, h)) = w * h;


pattern matching is a generalization of switch

⚠️ Constructors cannot be rebound by val

val point = point; (*OK*)
val point = 5.3; (*Error*)

Recursive Datatypes

🛈 Every intlist is either NIL or head $$ tail

datatype intlist =
  | $$ of int * intlist;

infixr $$;

fun length NIL     = 0
  | length (x $$ xs) = 1 + length xs;

Polymorphic Datatypes

🛈 Every list is either nil or head::tail

datatype 'a list =
  | :: of 'a * ('a list);
infixr ::;
"hello" :: "world" :: nil;

Option Example

datatype 'a option = NONE | SOME of 'a;

fun head []     = NONE
  | head (x :: _) = SOME x;

head [1, 2, 3];

head (tl [1]);

Union Example

datatype ('a, 'b) union = type1 of 'a
  | type2 of 'b;

val five = type1 5;

val hello = type2 "hello";

val five_or_hello = if true then five else hello;

val int_char_list = [type1 5, type2 #"a"];


datatype 'a tree =
  | Br of 'a * ('a tree) * ('a tree);

fun Leaf x = Br (x, Nil, Nil);

val tree2 = Br (2, Leaf 1, Leaf 3);
val tree5 = Br (5, Leaf 6, Leaf 7);
val tree4 = Br (4, tree2, tree5);
fun size Nil = 0
  | size (Br (v,t1,t2)) = 1 + size t1 + size t2;

size tree4;

Binary Search Trees

Example: implementing an associative map using trees

  • Keys are ints
  • Values may be anything
  • Assumption: the tree is sorted

Binary Search Trees

val cmp =;

fun get (Br ((node_k, v), left, right)) k = 
  case cmp (node_k, k) of
    EQUAL   => v
  | GREATER => get right k
  | LESS    => get left k

Binary Search Trees Excercise

Implement insert that takes a BST, a key k and a value v and returns an updated BST with the node (k, v)

val insert = fn : (int * 'a) tree -> int -> 'a -> (int * 'a) tree

Binary Search Trees Excercise


Binary Search Trees Excercise

fun insert Nil k v = Br ((k, v), Nil, Nil)
  | insert (Br (node, left, right)) k v = 
    case cmp (#1 node, k) of 
      EQUAL   => Br ((k, v), left, right)
    | GREATER => Br (node, left, insert right k v)
    | LESS    => Br (node, insert left k v, right);