Standard ML

236319 Spring 2024, Prof. Lorenz

Standard ML


Reminder: Values and Types

What’s a value?

  • Integers are values
  • A pair of an integer and real is a value
  • Every function is a value

Reminder: Values and Types

Every value in ML has a type:

  • Some types are atomic
  • Some types are builtin
  • Some types may be both builtin and atomic
  • Other types are compound (made from smaller types)

Remember: not everything in ML is a value, types are not values!

where do values come from?

During execution, the program generates more values by using operators for computation

  • div creates values of type int
  • fn ? => ? creates values which are functions
  • fun x (t) = ... creates a value which is a fucntion and names it

A value constructor is always an operator

where do values come from?

Important Note: a type constructor is not an operator, it takes types and creates a new type

  • ->
  • *
  • {...}

where do values come from?

Values can also be introduced by the programmer:

  • Atomic values: every literal is a value
  • Composite values: expressions, function definitions


  • Making new values out of previous values and literals
  • Providing names for this value
  • Making new types out of previous types (builtin and user defined)
  • Providing names for these new types


For every new value the programmer inserts, expression or declaration, the ML engine:

  • Infers type of that value: int, int * real, 'a -> int -> int, …
  • Computes the value (if it is an expression)
  • Associates the name it with this value

Example: The Area of a Circle

\[area = \pi \cdot r^2\]
val pi = 3.14159;

fun area r = pi * r * r;

area 2.0;

Identifiers in ML

  • val declaration binds a name to a value
  • Names are not variables!
  • A name can not be used to change its value (actually a constant)
  • A name can be reused for another purpose
    • By scoping rules
    • By hiding a name in an outer scope
    • By redefinitions to the REPL…
val pi = "pi";

Identifiers in ML

In case a name is declared again, the new meaning is adopted afterwards


However, this does not effect existing uses of the name

area 1.0;

is it a good feature?

👍 redefining cannot damage your program 👎 redefining may have no visible effect ⚠️ when modifying a program, be sure to recompile the entire file

val rec

We can define a function using val:

val sq = fn x => x * x;

What about recursive functions?

val f = fn n => if n = 0 then 1 else n * f (n - 1);

val rec

In order to do so, we may use val rec:

val rec f = fn n => if n = 0 then 1 else n * f (n - 1);


fun VS val rec is a matter of taste

It is always a question when does a binding get into effect

  • In Pascal and C a function ‘int f(double d) ** {…}’
  • In C (and Pascal) this applies also to types:

    struct X *p; // OK Struct X is an incomplete type 
    struct X y; // Error struct X not defined
    struct X { int a; }; // Complete definition of struct x.
    struct Y { int b; } Y; // Y is variable of type 'struct Y'
    typedef struct Z {int c; } Z; // Z is alias to type struct Z.
    • C: struct X *y; struct X { ....}
      • gives body to type struct X
      • the type struct X exists even before the type X never exists

Pattern Matching

Patterns can be used to simplify function definitions

fun factorial 0 = 1
  | factorial n = n * factorial (n - 1);

When the function is called, the first pattern to match the argument determines which expression on the right hand side will be evaluated

Pattern Matching

Patterns can consist of:

  • Constants - int, real, string, …
  • Constructs - tuples, datatype constructors
  • Variables - all the rest
  • Underscore - a wildcard

    Note: matching is recursive

Pattern Matching

What will be printed?

fun foo (x, 1) = x
  | foo (1, _) = 0
  | foo _ = ~1;
foo (3, 1);
foo (1, 3);
foo (2, 2);
foo (1, 1);

Patterns using case

case E of P1 => E1 | ... | Pn => En
case 7 of
    0 => "zero"
  | 1 => "one"
  | 2 => "two"
  | n => if n < 10 then "lots" else "lots &lots";
  • If Pi is the first to match then the result is Ei
  • No symbol terminates the case expression - enclose in parentheses to eliminate ambiguity

Type aliasing

You can give a new name to an existing type.

type vec = real * real;

infix ++;
fun (x1, y1) ++ (x2, y2) : vec = (x1 + x2, y1 + y2);

(3.6, 0.9) ++ (0.1, 0.2) ++ (20.0, 30.0);

Note: the new name is only an alias

Declarations inside an expression

In case you want to limit a scope of a declaration, you may use a let expression:

let D in E end
fun gcd (n, m) = if m = 0 then n else gcd (n mod m, m);

fun fraction (n, d)=
    val com = gcd (n, d)
    (n div com, d div com)

Declarations inside an expression

D may be a compound declaration

  val x = 5
  val y = 17
  x * y

Declarations inside an expression

let can be simulated using anonymous functions

fun fraction (n, d) = (fn c => (n div c, d div c)) (gcd (n, d));

Nested scopes

fun sqroot a =
    val acc = 1.0e~10
    fun findroot x =
        val nextx = (a / x + x) / 2.0
        if abs (x - nextx) < acc * x
        then nextx
        else findroot nextx
    findroot 1.0 

Declarations inside a Declaration

We may also use a local declaration:

local D1 in D2 end
  fun itfib (n, prev, curr): int =
    if n = 1 then curr
    else itfib (n - 1, curr, prev + curr)
  fun fib n = itfib (n, 0, 1)

(D1 is visible only within D2)

Comparing let and local (1)

fun fib n = let
  fun itfib (n, prev, curr): int =
    if n = 1 then curr
    else itfib (n - 1, curr, prev + curr)
  itfib (n, 0, 1)
  fun itfib (n, prev, curr): int =
    if n = 1 then curr
    else itfib (n - 1, curr, prev + curr)
  fun fib n = itfib (n, 0, 1)

Comparing let and local (2)

fun pow4 n: int = let
  val n2 = n * n
  n2 * n2

NOTE: a declaration in a let expression may refer to a parameter of the enclosing function

Comparing let and local (3)

  val x = pow4 5;
  val y = x + 2;
  val z = x * x;

NOTE: the “body” of local may contain multiple declarations

Comparing let and local (4)

  val x = pow4 5

NOTE: the “body” of local may be empty

Simultaneous declarations (collateral)

val ID1 = E1 and ... and IDn = En
  • Evaluates E1, …, En
  • And only then declares the identifiers ID1, …, IDn
val x = 3;
val y = 5;
val x = y and y = x;

Mutually recursive functions

\[\frac{\pi}{4}=\sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{1}{4k+1} - \frac{1}{4k+3} = 1 - \frac{1}{3} + \frac{1}{5} - \frac{1}{7} + \frac{1}{9} - \cdots\]
fun pos d = neg (d - 2.0) + 1.0 / d
and neg d = if d > 0.0 then pos (d - 2.0) - 1.0 / d
                       else 0.0;

fun sum (d, one) =
    if d > 0.0
    then sum (d - 2.0, ~one) + one / d
    else 0.0;