Standard ML

236319 Spring 2024, Prof. Lorenz

Standard ML


exceptions - motivation

  • An extensive part of code is error handling
  • A function may return an answer, fail to find one or signal that a solution does not exists

exceptions - alternative

datatype int_sol = Success of int | Failure | Impossible;

case methodA problem of
    Success s  => Int.toString s
  | Failure    => (case methodB problem of
                      Success s  => Int.toString s
                    | Failure    => "Both failed"
                    | Impossible => "No Good")
  | Impossible => "No Good"

Without exceptions, error handling can be tedious and requires explicit handling.

Sometimes we don’t really know what to do with the error, so we’ll simply return it

exceptions usage - key concepts

  • When an error is discovered we will raise an exception
  • The exception will propagate up until someone handles it

    The caller of a function doesn’t have to check any error values

exceptions usage

In pseudo code:

fun inner = do_calculation
    if local_error then raise local_error,
    if global_error then raise global_error;

fun middle = inner () handle local_error;

fun outer = middle () handle global_error;

the exception type exn

  • In SML we can raise only values of specific type: exn
  • exn is a special datatype with an extendable set of constructors and values
exception Failure;

exception Problem of int;

the exception type exn

Values of type exn have all the privileges of other values …

val p = Problem 1;
map Problem [0, 1, 2];
fun whats_the_problem (Problem p) = p;

the exception type exn

… except

val x = Failure;
x = x;

raising exceptions

raise Exp
  • Assume the expression Exp evaluates to e (and is of type exn)
  • raise Exp evaluates to an exception packet containing e

    Important note - packets are not ML values!

raising exceptions

All of the following “evaluate” to raise Exp

f (raise Exp)

(raise Exp) arg

raise (Exp1 (raise Exp)) (* Exp1 is a constructor *)

(raise Exp, raise Exp2)  (* or {a=raise Exp, b=raise Exp2} *)

let val name = raise Exp in some_expression end

local val name = raise Exp in some_declaration end

fixing hd and tl

exception Empty;

fun hd (x :: _) = x
  | hd []       = raise Empty;

fun tl (_ :: xs) = xs
  | tl []        = raise Empty;

handling exceptions - syntax

Exp_0 handle
    P1 => Exp_1
  | ...
  | Pn => Exp_n
  • All Exp_is must be type-compatible
  • All Pis must be valid patterns for the type exn
fun len l = 1 + len (tl l) handle Empty => 0;

handling exceptions - semantics

Exp_0 handle Cons1 x => Exp_1
  • Assume Exp_0 evaluates to some V (which is either a value or an exception packet), then the expression evaluates to:
    • Exp_1 - in case V is raise Cons1 x
    • V - otherwise (V may be either a normal value or a non-matching raised exception)

handle is short-circuiting

Exactly equivalent to familiar notions from C++

the type of raise Exp

  • The expression raise Exp is of type 'a
  • It is not an expression of type exn
  • This is necessary to avoid restricting the other parts of the expression.
fun throw _ = raise Empty;
exception Underflow;
fun bar x = if x > 0 then x else raise Underflow;

using exception handling

case methodA problem of
    Success s  => Int.toString s
  | Failure    => (case methodB problem of
                      Success s  => Int.toString s
                    | Failure    => "Both failed"
                    | Impossible => "No Good")
  | Impossible => "No Good"

and now with exceptions:

toString (methodA problem handle Failure => methodB problem)
  handle Failure => "Both failed"
    | Impossible => "No Good"