Standard ML
lazy lists
- Elements are not evaluated until their values are required
- May be infinite
- Example: a sequence of all even integers
$0, 2, -2, 4, \ldots$
lazy lists in ML
ML evaluates E
in Cons(x,E)
, so to obtain laziness we must write Cons(x, fn()=>E)
datatype 'a seq = Nil
| Cons of 'a * (unit -> 'a seq);
fun take s 0 = []
| take Nil _ = []
| take (Cons (x, xf)) n = x :: take (xf ()) (n - 1);
examples of sequences
$1, 2, 3, 4, \ldots$
fun from k = Cons (k, fn () => from (k + 1));
from 1;
take it 10;
examples of sequences
$0, 2, -2, 4, \ldots$
fun from_even n = let
val next = if n > 0 then ~n else ~n + 2
Cons (n, fn () => from_even next)
from_even 0;
take it 10;
Processing sequences
takes a sequence of integers and returns a sequence of their squares:
fun squares Nil = Nil
| squares (Cons (x, xf)) =
Cons (x * x, fn () => squares (xf ()));
squares (from 1);
take it 10;
Implement addq
that takes two integer sequences and adds them element-wise
(*val addq = fn : int seq * int seq -> int seq*)
fun addq (Cons (x, xf), Cons (y, yf)) =
Cons (x + y, fn () => addq (xf (), yf ()))
| addq _ = Nil;
addq (from 1, from 1);
take it 10;
Implement appendq
that appends two sequences
(*val appendq = fn : 'a seq * 'a seq -> 'a seq*)
fun appendq (Nil, yq) = yq
| appendq (Cons (x, xf), yq) =
Cons (x, fn () => appendq (xf (), yq));
What would appendq(xq,yq)
be if xq
is infinite?
Implement mapq
that applies a function on the elements of a sequence
(*val mapq = fn : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a seq -> 'b seq*)
fun mapq f Nil = Nil
| mapq f (Cons (x, xf)) =
Cons (f x, fn () => mapq f (xf ()));
mapq (fn x => x * 3) (from 1);
take it 10;
Implement filterq
that filters a sequence based on a predicate
(*val filterq = fn : ('a -> bool) -> 'a seq -> 'a seq*)
fun filterq pred Nil = Nil
| filterq pred (Cons (x, xf)) =
if pred x
then Cons (x, fn () => filterq pred (xf ()))
else filterq pred (xf ());
filterq (fn x => x mod 2 <> 0) (from 1);
take it 10;
Implement interleaveq
that interleaves two sequences.
e.g.: Interleaving 1,2,3,...
and 11,12,13,...
returns: 1,11,2,12,3,13,4,...
(*val interleaveq = fn : 'a seq * 'a seq -> 'a seq*)
fun interleaveq (Nil, yq) = yq
| interleaveq (Cons (x, xf), yq) =
Cons (x, fn () => interleaveq (yq, xf ()));
interleaveq (from 1, from 11);
take it 10;
takes a sequence s
and a positive number n
and returns s
without its first n
(*val dropq = fn: 'a seq -> int -> 'a seq*)
fun dropq seq 0 = seq
| dropq Nil _ = Nil
| dropq (Cons (x, xf)) n = dropq (xf ()) (n - 1);
dropq (from 1) 10;
take it 10;
takes a sequence and returns a list of its elements
(*val seqToList = fn: 'a seq -> 'a list*)
fun seqToList Nil = []
| seqToList (Cons (x, xf)) = x :: (seqToList (xf ()));
takes a list and returns a sequence of its elements
(*val listToSeq = fn: 'a list -> 'a seq*)
fun listToSeq [] = Nil
| listToSeq (x :: xs) = Cons (x, fn () => listToSeq xs);
Exam Question
fun fraction m n =
if m mod n = 0
then Nil
else Cons (m * 10 div n mod 10, fn () => fraction (m * 10) n);
fraction 1 7;
take it 10;
Exam Question
fun lazy_divide m n = (m div n, fraction (m mod n) n);
Sequences exercise
(a hard one in fact…)
Let’s define a lazy tree datatype, using sequences:
datatype 'a seq = Nil | Cons of 'a * (unit -> 'a seq)
datatype 'a option = NONE | SOME of 'a;
datatype 'a node =
Node of 'a * (unit -> 'a node option) * (unit -> 'a node option);
type 'a lazy_tree = unit -> 'a node option;
fun take s 0 = []
| take Nil _ = []
| take (Cons (x, xf)) n = x :: take (xf ()) (n - 1);
Let’s define some trees:
fun t1 () = NONE;
fun t2 0 () = SOME (Node (0, t1, t1))
| t2 n () = SOME (Node (n, t2 (n div 2), t2 (n - 1)));
Implement lazy bfs traversal of lazy trees
fun aux [] [] = Nil
| aux [] ts = aux (map (fn t => t ()) ts) []
| aux (NONE :: ns) ts = aux ns ts
| aux ((SOME (Node (h, l, r))) :: ns) ts =
Cons(h, fn () => aux ns (ts @ [l, r]))
fun bfs t = aux [t ()] []
take (bfs (t2 10)) 10;