type system classification

236319 Spring 2024, Prof. Lorenz

type system classification

sophistication level

a type system may:

  1. be degenerate (e.g. Prolog)
  2. be non-recursive
  3. be recursive (e.g. Pascal)
  4. have functions as first-class values (e.g. ML)
  5. have highly advanced type constructors


a type constructor is discriminatory if it cannot be applied to one or more types

example: the array type constructor of Pascal can’t be applied to function types

a type is second-class if it’s discriminated against

strong vs. weak typing

a language is strongly typed if:

  • it is impossible to break the association of a value with its type
  • it is impossible to subject a value to an operation unacceptable for its type

examples: Java, Pascal, Python

a language is weakly typed if it’s possible to break the association of a value with its type

examples: Javascript

static vs. dynamic

a laguage is statically typed if:

  • type rules are enforced at compile time
  • every variable and every parameter have an associated type

examples: C, Pascal, SML

a language is dynamically typed if:

  • type rules are enforced at runtime
  • variables expressions have no associated types
  • only values have fixed types

examples: Python, Smalltalk


manifest typing - the programmer has to specify types explicitly

examples: Pascal, C

inferred typing - the programmer may leave out type annotations to be inferred

examples: SML, OCaml


javascript is:

  • dynamically typed
  • weakly typed

certain operations in javascript coerce the operands to make the operation succeed

how bad can it get?

what will js do?

5 + "10";

what will js do?

5 * "";

what will js do?

[] + [];

what will js do?

5 + [1, ] == 51;